blockchain data for public use

1 min readDec 8, 2021

As some of you may know, I’ve been working on EOSIO history processing since summer 2018. A lot has been done in order to be able to extract the data from a fast blockchain like EOS with its enormous speed and load.

About two years ago, I started collecting daily activity statistics for all smart contracts and accounts for several public EOSIO blockchains, and this data was accumulated and stored privately.

Now that Pomelo has started, I have the possibility to expand the hosting capacity and provide free access to this data for everyone.

In addition, I started collecting fungible token transfer history for EOS, WAX and Telos. This will help everyone with their accounting and tax reporting. The data should be available for public access in a few weeks.

Stay tuned, the information about the project and data access is published at

At the moment it’s providing raw MySQL/MariaDB access to the statistics. Later on, data query APIs will be added.




Telegram: cc32d9, Discord: cc32d9#8327, EOS account: "cc32dninexxx"