EOS Light API goes in production for mainnet and Jungle testnet

1 min readDec 6, 2018


The Light API is a lightweight interface for retrieving current token balances and authorization information for an account. It does not keep the history of transactions.

The API is ready for production. The full list of endpoints is published on IPFS: https://endpoints.light.xeos.me/endpoints.json

API development and hosting for EOS mainnet is sponsored by Scatter, Inc.

Hosting for Jungle testnet API is sponsored by EOS Geneva (BP accounut name: switzerlanda).

Here are example queries:

Scatter is going to utilize this API in upcoming release. The Bloks.io network explorer is already using the API.




Written by cc32d9

Telegram: cc32d9, Discord: cc32d9#8327, EOS account: "cc32dninexxx"

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