I started recently a new project aiming to provide a solution for counterfeit prevention: https://fonto.io/
The idea is very simple: an NFC chip has unique bytes on it (NXP Semiconductors guarantees their uniqueness), and the manufacturer of goods signs a serial number and the on-chip bytes with their private key. The recipient gets the public key from a public source, such as an EOSIO blockchain, and verifies the on-chip signature. In addition, a hash of this signature can be placed on the blockchain for tracking purposes.
A Linux prototype is working and is open source, the data protocol is documented and public, and a mobile application is being developed. A better styling for the website is in the works.
The goal is to come up with an open standard, so that any third party would develop their own software that is compatible with the protocol.
Here are some early demo videos.
GitHub repository contains a detailed description of the protocol and sources of reference software.
Companies wishing to run a pilot are warmly welcome. I’m reachable at cc32d9@gmail.com